About the Research Library
The LLNL Research Library acquires information resources that support the research missions of the laboratory. Library collections include information resources in the physical and life sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics, and some social sciences. The collections include most databases, journals and reference works a researcher would expect to find in an advanced science library. The Library serves as the digital archive and preservation agent of LLNL scientific and technical information (STI).
A primarily digital library
The Research Library is a primarily digital library. While the library collects publications in many formats, a strong preference is placed on acquiring digital resources, reformatting print resources, and ensuring long-term access to digital content.
Extending our reach: Selection, Acquisition and Library Consortia
Scientific and technical information resources are selected for the collections based on their enduring value to current and future researchers. Resources are selected by collection development librarians in consultation with programmatic contacts and an advisory committee.
The Research Library works closely with publishers, library consortia such as the California Digital Library (CDL) and the National Laboratory Library Coalition (NLLC), as well as information service providers, to license, preserve and provide access to content.
When the library cannot acquire something, interlibrary loan services, copyright clearance services, and a network of library partnerships are engaged. LLNL researchers may also get a UC Berkeley Library card to gain access to the vast physical research collections held by the University of California Libraries.